By-Laws of The Psychology Guild of Ordo Templi Orientis
(adopted on August 1, 1999 e.v. following approval by the Areopagus and Sovereign Sanctuary of O.T.O.)
version 1.1–July 19, 2000 e.v.
version 2.0—January 27, 2002 e.v.
1. Name and Purpose
1. The name of this international association is “The Psychology Guild of Ordo Templi Orientis” (hereinafter referred to as “the Guild”).
2. The purpose of the Guild is not to practice medicine, psychology or any regulated profession, but to provide a means of communication and cooperation among professionals of the psychological sciences, in order to promote scholarly research, discussion, and dissemination on any and all issues relevant to psychology and Magick. No Guild members shall practice or purport to practice medicine, psychology or any related profession under the auspices of the OTO, its name, logo or legal personality. Guild activities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. The Guild may create a Board of Review of five (5) members, whose task it shall be to administer the policies of the Guild, to maintain standards of high scholarly and practical value in the works produced by the Guild and to serve as an editorial board for Guild publications.
b. The Guild shall foster the creation of contacts and the mutual exchange of experience between members in different disciplines, nations, and geographic regions.
c. The Guild shall publish an electronic newsletter comprised of the works of its members. Printed publications will be distributed as interest and resources allow.
3. Pursuant to Section 21 of Liber CXCIV, the Guild chooses the person most eminent in it to represent it before the Areopagus of the Eighth Degree in person or in writing at the election of the Areopagus. The procedures for this appointment will be decided through debate among all active Guild members, at the first membership meeting, to be held after due notification to the OTO general membership of the formation of the Guild.
4. The Guild shall hold an annual meeting, to be announced and coordinated by the Board of Review. All members in good standing shall be notified of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting in a timely fashion and are eligible to attend.
2. Membership.
1. Basic membership in the Guild is open to any initiated member in good standing of at least the I* of O.T.O., willing to uphold the principles pursuant to Section 21 of Liber CXCIV, abide by the by-laws of the Guild, and who signs a waiver releasing OTO of all liability for the Guild and meets the requirements of basic membership.
2. Basic membership in the Guild is restricted to those who possess, or are in the process of completing, graduate degrees in any field of psychology or psychiatry. (This includes clinical as well as academic and research-oriented sub-fields.) Membership is also open to practicing psychotherapists who possess a graduate degree in their particular discipline (including licensed clinical social workers and licensed marriage and family therapists). Licensure and training requirements will, by necessity, vary according to the law of the jurisdiction in which the Guild is operating.
3. O.T.O. initiates who apply and are accepted for Guild membership shall receive a Certificate of Guild Membership.
4. It is the responsibility of every member of the Guild to be familiar with Liber CXCIV and the by-laws of the Guild. Any member may be expelled from the Guild for breach of the by-laws of the Guild. No member shall be expelled from the Guild without having first had an opportunity to correct, explain, or defend the breach. Expulsion from the Guild shall be at the discretion of the Board of Review.
3. The Board of Review.
1. The Guild is administered by the Board of Review, as described above, (and hereinafter referred to as “the Board”).
2. Unless otherwise provided, decisions of the Board of Review shall be made by a four-fifths majority vote of its members, and shall be announced to all members of the Guild by electronic or surface mail upon enactment. {Revised 7/19/00}
3. All active Guild members in good standing shall be eligible to vote in the election of Board members.
4. All active Guild members in good standing shall be eligible to sit as a member of the Board.
4. Use of the Name or Logo of the Guild.
1. The Guild has the exclusive right to use and authorize the Name, or Logo of the Guild.
2. No individual or entity may use the name, or logo of the Guild to create the impression that a product, service, or any other material or activity is endorsed, recommended or supported by the Guild.
3. No Guild member may publicly advertise their membership in the Guild or in O.T.O. for business or other commercial purposes, or use the seal or logo of O.T.O. or the Guild for such purposes.
4. The Frater Superior of O.T.O. shall have final authority for approval of any Guild logo, seal, certificate, or emblem.
5. Oversight, Implementation and Amendment of By-Laws.
1. Amendments to these by-laws, subsequent to their initial promulgation, may be proposed by vote of 2/3 of the Guild membership.
2. Proposed amendments shall be made available to the Guild membership for a comment period of 30 days.
3. Amendments to these by-laws shall be adopted after due deliberation by the Board of Review, taking into consideration any comments made by Guild members during the comment period. The Board will revise the proposed amendments as they deem necessary and appropriate and submit them to the Areopagus for approval.
4. The by-laws, once amended, shall be promulgated not more than seven days after the comment period has passed.
5. The Areopagus and the Frater Superior shall have final authority over all the by-laws of the Guild.
6. O.T.O. assumes no responsibility for the works of or views expressed by Guild members, and makes no representation of any kind concerning the validity of any publication of any Guild member.
7. These by-laws shall be considered inoperative within a jurisdiction if they conflict in any way with the laws of that jurisdiction. Such conflicts will be resolved through direct consultation between Guild members, the Areopagus, the Frater Superior, and legal authorities in the country in question.
8. The Guild is required to report on its activities to the Areopagus in person or in writing (at the election of the Areopagus) at each annual Areopagus meeting.